Private Label Nootropic Brain Memory Support Wholesale Supplement Gain Clarity Focus

Wholesale Nootropic – Memory Clarity Focus Private Label Supplement


anti-aging physician, it is a proprietary blend of supplement ingredients which help support memory, concentration and increased circulation in the brain. This formulation consists of
  • VINPOCETINE: This is an oxygenator and activator of cerebral metabolism, Vinpocetine helps increase levels of glucose consumption by the brain which increases energy to brain cells. Vinpocetine also supports microcirculation though brain capillaries and improves cerebral blood flow.
  • BACOPIN: Will help improve memory by assisting in the repair of damage to the synapse, this is the protein network in the brain where signals are transmitted from one neuron to another. Bacosides are natural chemical compounds found in Bacopin and helps to fortify Kinase, this the protein in the body responsible for replacing worn-out neurons with new ones.
  • PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE: This phospholipid is present in the structure of cell membranes. Research conducted in Italy during the 1980s established that phosphatidylserine led to improved memory deficits, restored age-dependent electroencephalogram (EEG) abnormalities, prevented the decline in learning capacity and prevented some degenerative nerve cell changes in certain areas of the brain.
  • ACETYL-L-CARNITINE (ALC): Helps in the conversion of choline into acetylcholine, a key neurotransmitter in the body. ALC also increases the release of sufficient levels of acetylcholine necessary for transmission of messages in the brain from one nerve cell to another.
  • GINKGO BILOBA EXTRACT: Study after study demonstrates the benefits of this amazing herb in helping to improve circulation in the brain, increase mental alertness and concentration. Ginkgo is also being researched for possible benefits in the treatment of alzheimer’s disease.
  • L-GLUTAMINE: Considered to have a positive effect on concentration, this amino acid is known to play an important role in helping to combat stress, elevate energy levels in the brain and increase mental alertness.
  • ST. JOHNS WORT: This herb dates back hundreds of years and is considered an effective treatment by many for depression and anxiety. Demand for the herb continues today as a natural mood elevator

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