Wholesale Private Label Vitamins and Supplements Distributor Multi-Vitamin Minerals

Private Label Vitamin and Supplement Wholesale Distributor Multi Vitamin Minerals

Private Label Vitamins A & D

Wholesale Vitamin A & D | [100 SOFTGELS]

Vitamin A & D

Our Wholesale Private Label Vitamins A + D Supplement is made from Cod Liver Oil, each liquid filled soft gelatin capsule provides 10,000 IU of natural Vitamin A and 400 IU of natural Vitamin D.

Both of these fat-soluble nutrients are critical for proper development and health throughout life. Vitamin A can be obtained from two principle food groups. In the form of Retinol, it is found in food derived from animal sources such as fish. From plants, Vitamin A is in the form of Carotenes which includes beta-Carotene. This nutrient is known for it’s significant roles in the body that includes vision, growth, reproduction, the immune system, the development of primary body tissue, bones, blood cellular components and the brain. Vitamin D has been in the forefront of the medical world with all of the recent discoveries as to the significance of this essential nutrient for overall health and well being.

Private Label Vitamin D3 5000IU Supplement

Wholesale Private Label Vitamin D3 5000IU Supplement

Wholesale Private Label Vitamin D3 5000IU | [90 Capsules]

Often called the “Sunshine Vitamin”, Private Label Vitamin D is unique among all other vitamins because it is the only conditional one and must be synthesized in the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight. Vitamin D-3 5000 IU Capsules: Derived from lanolin, each small, easy to swallow vegetable capsule provides 5000 IU of natural Vitamin D-3.

Vitamin D has been in the forefront of the medical world with all of the recent discoveries as to the significance of this essential nutrient for overall health and well being. Vitamin D deficiencies can weaken the body’s immune system, bones and brain function. For these reasons many physicians are now recommending their patients take levels of Vitamin D that are greatly in excess of the recognized or typical Daily Value.

Vitamin D3 1500IU

Wholesale Vitamin D3 1500IU Supplement

Wholesale Private Label Vitamin D3 1500IU | [100 Tablets]

Private Label Vitamin D3 1500IU
Concerns over skin cancer caused by overexposure to sunlight have prompted many to use sufficient sun block or limit exposure to a degree that can create a deficiency of Vitamin D produced by the body. But, in fact, a lack of Vitamin D is now linked to various forms of cancer including malignant melanoma and colon cancer.

Private Label Vitamin D supplements are available in two forms, D-3 (cholecalciferol) which is the natural form and D-2, (ergocalciferol) which is produced by radiating fungus.

Vitamin B – Stress B with C

Wholesale Private Label Vitamin Distributor STRESS B Vitamin C Supplement

Wholesale Vitamin Stress B with C | [90 Coated Tablets]

STRESS B with Vitamin C

Vitamin Stress B with C – Stress Formula

Stress is a nonspecific reaction of the body, that is typically followed by a quicker increase in blood pressure, release of hormones, tightness of muscles, quick breathing, sweating and greater cardiac activity. Some degree of stress might be considered good in that it tends encourage and improve alertness, but too much stress could result in several problems that interfere with mental and physical health. Wholesale Private Label Vitamin Stress B with C is a non-GMO and is a complete anti-stress formula that is formulated to be taken throughout the day providing nutrients needed to deal with the negative impact of stress on the body and includes:

Vitamin B-2 plays an important role in hormone production , nerve health , energy production and the transport of oxygen to the cells.
Vitamin B-6 is needed in order to manufacture the mood-enhancing brain chemical serotonin.
Folic Acid has many jobs to perform in the body and the level of folic acid can be greatly reduced by stress.
PABA is thought to be beneficial in fighting stress.
Choline and Inositol may provide a calming effect.
Calcium and Magnesium help promotes a relaxing effect and lowers stress levels.
Hops, Chamomile, Valerian, and Passion Flower are herbs often considered to support a calm and relax body.

Vitamin B-100 Complex

Wholesale B-100 Complex SR Supplement

Wholesale B-100 Complex SR | [50 Tablets]

Wholesale B-100 Complex SR | [100 Tablets]

Wholesale B-100 Complex SR | [250 Tablets]

B-100 Complex SR

Vitamin B100 Complex – Sustained Release Complex

Vitamin B100 Complex – Sustained Release Formula

Vitamin B was once thought to be a single vitamin called Vitamin B, several chemically distinct nutrients make up a Vitamin B-Complex including Thiamine (Vitamin B-1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2), Niacin or Niacinamide (Vitamin B-3), Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B-5), Pyridoxine (Vitamin B-6), Biotin (Vitamin B-7), Folic Acid (Vitamin B-9) and Cobalamin (Vitamin B-12). B-100 Complex SR: Sustained Release tablet that allows the body to have a longer period of time in order to absorb these critical nutrients.

Vitamin B-12 1mg Sublingual

Wholesale B-12 1000mcg Sublingual Supplement

Wholesale B-12 1mg Sublingual | [100 Tablets]

B-12 1mg Sublingual

Private Label Vitamin B-12 1000mcg Sublingual tablets are meant to be dissolved in the mouth allowing the nutrient to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream for increased benefits, as the full benefits of Vitamin B-12 can be lost when it passes through the stomach. The body needs this B vitamin in order to produce blood cells and to keep a healthy nervous system. Vitamin B-12 is the largest and most structurally complicated vitamin. Vitamin B-12 is important to your general health and must be added into your diet on a daily basis. Since the Vitamin B is water soluble, the nutrients are either put to use immediately or the excess is flushed out of your system when you use the bathroom. This is why taking Vitamin B on a daily or weekly schedule is so important for your health. You can get it through the foods you eat or through a sublingual tablet or liquid drops, depending on your preference.

Sublingual Vitamin Benefits

A member of the B-Complex group, Private Label Vitamin B-12 is involved in the metabolism of every cell in the human body including normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, DNA synthesis, formation of blood cells, fatty acid synthesis, and energy production. The benefits of Vitamin B-12 sublinguals are that you have an easy way to get the recommended dosages of Vitamin B into your body. For many people improper nutrition or difficulties absorbing nutrients through the gut can cause them to have a b12 deficiency. A sublingual will allow them to get the vitamin into the bloodstream quickly and avoid the possibility that it will not be ingested through the digestive system.

B-12 500/1000mcg

Private Label B-12 500/1000mcg Supplement

Wholesale Private Label B-12 500mcg | [100 Tablets]

Wholesale Private Label B-12 1000mcg | [100 Tablets]

B-12 500mcg / B-12 5000mcg

Wholesale Vitamin B-12 500mcg/1000mcg: Vitamin B-12, also known as cobalamin, is the largest and most structurally complicated vitamin. This water-soluble nutrient is so important that many authorities have suggested that the addition of Vitamin B-12 to many food sources becomes mandatory. A member of the B-Complex group, Vitamin B-12 is involved in the metabolism of every cell in the human body including normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, DNA synthesis, formation of blood cells, fatty acid synthesis, and energy production. Vitamin B-12 500mcg tablets provide a high potency means to supplement the diet with this critically important nutrient.

B-6 50mg

Wholesale Vitamin B-6 50mg Supplement

Wholesale Vitamin B-6 50mg | [100 Tablets]

Vitamin B-6 50mg Part of the Vitamin B-Complex group, this water-soluble nutrient plays an important role in more than 100 different chemical reactions in the body per minute!! Functioning primarily as a coenzyme, Vitamin B-6 works with enzymes to regulate various processes, such as the immune system, magnesium deficiency, lowering water retention, amino acid production, creation of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, metabolizing energy released by red cell bloods and balancing hormones. Vitamin B-6 is water-soluble, the body cannot effectively store it and requires the continuous intake in order to prevent B-6 deficiencies. Vitamin B-6 50mg tablets provide a convenient means to augment the diet for individuals who may be lacking in sufficient intake of this important nutrient.

Folic Acid

Wholesale Folic Acid 800mcg Supplement

Wholesale Folic Acid 800mcg | [100 Tablets]

Folic acid is used as a treatment for low blood levels of folic acid (folic acid deficiency), such as tired blood (anemia) and the inability of the bowel to absorb nutrients properly. Folic acid is used for other conditions often associated with folic acid deficiency, including ulcerative colitis, liver disease, alcoholism, and kidney dialysis.

Folic acid is used for the eye disease macular degeneration (AMD), memory loss, weak bones (osteoporosis), jumpy legs (restless leg syndrome), Alzheimer’s disease, sleep problems, depression, nerve pain, muscle pain, AIDS, a skin disease called vitiligo, age-related hearing loss, reducing signs of aging, and an inherited disease called Fragile-X syndrome. It is also used for reducing harmful side effects of treatment with the medications lometrexol and methotrexate. Folic acid is often used in with other B vitamins.

Private Label Vitamin Distributors Private Label Vitamins and Supplements Private Label Multi Vitamin Minerals

Wholesale Private Label Vitamins and Supplements

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